Thursday 21 April 2011


A very sexy salad

It all started with the luscious ripe black figs I found at the Alphen..... they certainly didn't need to sell themselves, but the rest of the ingredients would have to be equally sexy.
Start with adding paper thin slices of Italian Coppa ham and then for some extra salty creaminess add crumbles of your favourite blue cheese, toss rocket and baby greens plucked from your garden, finish off with a drizzle of your best olive oil and balsamic - too deliciously decadent to resist!
But, if you can hold out a few hours, you won't be sorry-   add slow roasted leg of free-range lamb....

What can I say- also very sexy!

I love Robert Carrier's way with lamb- take a sharp knife and make a few incisions in the leg, then stuff each incision with some garlic, a bit of anchovy and a sprig of rosemary, don't worry if you're not fond of anchovy, it melts as the lamb roasts to add a delicate saltiness to the leg- if you don't tell anyone there's anchovy in it, they won't know!
In our house we seldom have roast lamb without roasted potatoes-

For extra crunchiness, par boil and handle roughly before roasting

Now be nice, and share your delicious food with friends. We invited ours over for a long languid lunch and a few not very accurate games of boules.

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